
作成 不動点 9/9/2005



(2)Rubber Sheetへのリンクをクリックする.

(3)Super Blockのアイコンをクリックする

(4)購入枚数2を入力しプルダウンメニューよりRed no spongeを選ぶ.在庫確認のためDisplay Inventory Statusを押す.

(5)下画面のAvailableにより在庫が確認できたので,全画面に戻りShop Some Moreをクリックする.

(6)商品名,数量,値段を確認し,Shop Some Moreをクリックする.


(8)Gatien Carbon 3Dのアイコンが出てくるまで,したのNextボタンでページを送る.Gatien Carbon 3Dのアイコンを押す.

(9)プルダウンメニューよりChinese Penholderを選び,Display Inventory Statusにより在庫を確認する.

(10)Out of Stockにより在庫無しが確認できたので,(8)の画面に戻りGatien Carbonのアイコンをクリックする.

(11)プルダウンメニューよりChinese Penholderを選び,Display Inventory Statusにより在庫を確認する.

(12)Chinese Penholder Avilableにより在庫が確認できた.

(13)前画面に戻り,Buy Meをクリックする.

(14)商品,数量,値段を確認しSecure Check-outをクリックする.


(16)Sequre Check-outをクリックする.



Qty Description Unit Amount

(1 ) YASAKA Gatien Carbon US$64.95 US$64.95 (CAN$77.94) US$64.95 (CAN$77.94)
  Weight: 0.40 lbs each    
  Frequent Buyer Points: 77.94 each    
  Handle is Chinese Penholder

(2 ) Dr. Neubauer Super Block (Long-Pips) US$54.95 US$54.95 (CAN$65.94) US$109.90 (CAN$131.88)
  Weight: 0.25 lbs each    
  Frequent Buyer Points: 65.94 each    
  Color-thickness is Red no sponge

Total Shipment Weight: 0.90 lbs Subtotal: US$174.85 (CAN$209.82)
Order Discount: US$-8.74 (CAN$-10.49)
Total Frequent Buyer Points: 209.82  


Please add a FREE copy of the 2005/2006 TTP catalog to my order.

Do you require Assembly / Glueing (free)
When you purchase a blade & two rubbers, we can glue your racket for you.

If you are purchasing many blades and rubber, please specify below which rubbers are to be glued on which blade

Special instructions: 
Any other special request or comment.
Please, do not put any quotation marks (") anywhere in the next two lines below.

Please provide us with the following information so we may process your order promptly. If any items are missing, we may not be able to process your order. Most importantly, please ensure your email address is correct, as this is how we will notify you if any problems occur while processing your order.

When you have finished, please click the 'Continue' button to continue submitting your order.  

Contact Information
Please ensure this information is correct. We have no other method of notifying you in case of order problems.
Name: 自分の名前をローマ字で
Email: メールアドレス
Daytime Telephone number (Must be filled in). 連絡先電話番号,+81の後に自宅の電話番号(局番の先頭の0をはぶいたもの)
If the shipping phone number is different, please enter here.
This is very important especially for table deliveries.

Billing Information
If paying by credit card, then your billing name & address should match the name & billing address of the credit card.

To keep our prices as low as possible, credit card fraud and fraudulent credit card charge backs will be pursued to the full extent of the law.
IMPORTANT: If the merchandise is returned unclaimed, you will be responsible for shipping fees

First Name: 名前
Last Name: 苗字
Street Address line 1: 番地
Street Address line 2:
City: 都市名
State or Province
non USA/Canada 都道府県名
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: Japanを選ぶ

Mailing lists (1-click unsubscribe at any time)

Please add me to the weekly TTP News (news, offers & tips)
Please only send me TTP Special Announcements (low volume)

Other information

I would like to join the Frequent Buyer Program?
Frequent Buyer Program member #
It's free! More info here
Please send me FPB Bulletin (Confidential mailing of special offers only for FBP members)
Where did you find out about us?

Shipping Information

Shipping Method:

  • 2nd day U.P.S. Expedited & Express Post are not available for glue, cleaners, tables & robots.
  • テキスト ボックス: UPS Expressが選べたらここで選ぶ.選べなければ適当で良い.
For details on shipping fees & C.O.Ds or shipping times
  • Tip: U.P.S. delivers during the day. If you don’t expect to be home, have your equipment delivered at work.
Please ship to the billing address 商品送付先が,上のクレジットカード登録住所と一致していれば,ここをチェック.そうでなければ,下に商品送付先住所をいれる.

Or ship to:

Street Address line 1:
Street Address line 2:
State or Province:
Province (for non-USA address):
ZIP/Postal Code:

  クレジットカード情報を入力してsubmitボタンを押すと,すぐに相手から下記#1の注文受付メールか来るから,諸情報の確認後,すぐに商品をINTERNATIONAL-UPS Expressで送付してくれるよう依頼するために#2のメールを出す.送料は約26アメリカドルで一週間以内で商品が届く.下記の#3と#4のメールが来るが,返事は不要.送料もクレジットカードから 支払われる.#2のメールを出したら商品が届くのを待っていれば良い.私は,今までに一度も経験したことはありませんが,諸情報にエラーがある場合は,その旨相手に連絡しなければならないが,これをやる自信の無い人には,インターネット取引は無理だと思います.下記のメールでは,ラケットはカーボン3Dになっており,上とは違うので注意お願いします.なお,上記の操作は,最後にsubmitボタンを押すまでならば,何所で止めても,取引は成立しないので,安心して練習して下さい.

#1 注文受付のメール(ping-pong.comより)

Dear 顧客名,

Thank you for your order.

Your reference order number is Wxxxxx. Please retain this e-mail for reference information.

Normally, when we have all the items in stock, your order is sent within 24 hours (excluding week-ends and holidays). Tables are usually delivered in about 2 weeks (the shipping company will contact you prior to delivery).

So now you can sit back and relax while we prepare and send your order. You may look up your tracking number after two full business days (a little longer for tables).
Your credit card is not charged online. Our staff charges your card once your order is completed and ready to go. For more information about security:

When you receive your order, please check the contents of the box immediately against the invoice. If there is any issue with your order, please consult

If you ordered a table tennis or game table, please review the Tables delivery information.

You have ordered the following: 以下注文商品の確認

Qty  Description                             Unit                                    Amount
1     (YB750-C) YASAKA Gatien Carbon 3D      US$74.95 (CAN$89.94)                    US$74.95 (CAN$89.94)
       * Weight: 0.40 lbs each
       * Frequent Buyer Points: 89.94 each
       * Option: Handle is Chinese Penholder

2     (ER20R00) Dr. Neubauer Super Block     US$54.95 (CAN$65.94)                    US$109.90 (CAN$131.88)
         (Long-Pips) US$54.95
       * Weight: 0.25 lbs each
       * Frequent Buyer Points: 65.94 each
       * Option: Color-thickness is Red no

     Total Shipment Weight: 0.90 lbs    Subtotal:                                    US$184.85 (CAN$221.82)
                                        Order Discount:                              US$-9.24 (CAN$-11.09)
                                        Total:                                       US$175.61 (CAN$210.73)

     Total Frequent Buyer Points: 221.82

Order placed at: Mon Mar  7 12:46:49 2005

We will ship to: 商品送付先の確認

We will bill to: 料金請求先の確認

Payment Information: Credit Card クレジットカード情報の確認

Thank you again for your order. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-319-PING or reply to this e-mail. Our e-mail is

The Table Tennis Pioneers
2035 Nadeau, Laval
Quebec, Canada H7T 1W5
Fax: 1-800-319-7664
Phone: 1-800-319-7464 

#2 商品送付方法の指定(こちらから相手のメール1に対して返信)

Dear Sir,

I would like to confirm how you are sending my order to me. I would like
my stuffs to be sent by INTERNATIONAL-UPS Express.

Thanks in advance.


----- Original Message -----

#3  相手からのメール(こちらのメール#2に対する返事)

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your email. We have received it, and one of our friendly customer service representatives will respond as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours (excluding week-ends and holidays). Business Hours Are Monday To Thursday 7AM to 7PM, Friday 8AM to 7PM and Saturday 12PM to 5PM Eastern Standard Time. All orders & requests during the weekend will be processed the following business day.

If you wish to contact one of our customer service representatives please dial 1-800-319-7464. We will be glad to serve you.

We invite you to check out the following pages
Best price guarantee
What's New
FBP Page
Search/Index Page
Join Our weekly e-mail alerts
Online tracking
Table Tennis Rules Section
STIGA Club program:
Frequently asked Questions

Thanks for shopping at The Table Tennis Pioneers.
Web page:
Phone: 1-800-319-PING (7464)
Fax: 1-800-319-PONG (7664)

#4  こちらの依頼した商品送付方法の了承(相手からの3度目のメール,#2に対する返事)

Dear 顧客名,

This is Alain.

Thank you for informing me. I have adjusted your order as you have requested.
Your package will be shipped today or tomorrow at the latest, via:

  - UPS Express, delivery in 3-5 business days
  $32.05 Canadian dollars or $25.65 US dollars

You will be responsible for any custom and duty charges to be paid, upon receipt
of package.

Please allow business days for delivery to. You will be able to track your
package by connecting to the link below.

Thank you.
